Are you playing or clinging?
Here’s a red pill thought that can change your life if you truly embrace it: We spawned into this universe out of nowhere, with no instructions, no clear objective—just here, suddenly, like magic. And one day, just as suddenly, we’ll be gone. Most of us get this, at least intellectually. But there’s a massive gap between knowing life is a mysterious, transient miracle and actually living like it is. Instead of embracing the absurdity and possibility of it all, most people follow a rigid script—driven by fear, survival, obligation, social conditioning, and the illusion of control. We take it all too seriously, chase goals we never chose, follow paths we never questioned, and cling to arbitrary expectations. But what if you play life like a game instead? In an open-ended game, you pursue quests that intrigue you. Some chase wealth, power, or status. Others seek love, relationships, art, mastery, adventure, discovery, or creation. You wake up every single day ...